

05 мая
01:02 2001

The book continues a series prepared by the Ukrainian journal Political Thought and the Institute of Postcommunist Society devo-ted to the analysis of acute current problems. The end of the century and the millennium witness the emergence of new conflicts on the geopolitical, regional, and local levels.

The globalization of the eco-nomy and tendency toward political integration in Europe are hin-dered by essential differences in culture, religion, and the levels oi development of democracy which lead to various complicated prob-lems. Ukrainian and foreign political analysts and sociologists put forward their points of view on new foundations, in new contexts, and survey the most immediate consequences of contemporary social conflicts. The authors’ group is headed by Serhiy MAKEYEV, Department Chair, Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The book appeared in September 1997 and is designed for schol-ars, university instructors, graduate students, undergraduates, and can be used as a textbook in sociology as well as political and con-flict studies, especially in Ukraine, Russia, Croatia, and other coun-tries of Eastern and East Central Europe. The book will appear in Ukrainian, English, and Russian.

This publication was prepared by the Ukrainian scholarly journal Political Thought and the Institute of Postcommunist Society with financial assistance from the International Renaissance Foundation and was edited in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Cooperation Office in Ukraine

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